Around 11 million people were killed during the Holocaust. 6 million of the people killed were jewish and killed just because it was possible. The other 5 million people were non-jews. They were killed because Hitler did not want them in his perfect race. They were either killed on the spot or taken to Death Camps to suffer.
Ways of extermination
When children first arrived in Death camps they were killed on the spot unless they were fit to work (1). They could be forced into gas chambers or just shot on the spot. The gas chambers were used to exterminate large sums of people using Zyklon-B gas. Jews, gypsies, soviet POW’s, and other prisoners were all killed in the death camps. They were killed by gassing, starvation, disease, shooting, burning, and other ways of torture. If they were healthy enough to work they were forced to do random work. “Some of the jobs were even assisting in the death of their friends and family”(Brown). Some people were also killed through medical experiments.
Dr. Josef Mengele was the main doctor at Auschwitz. Carl Clauberg came to Auschwitz ion 1942 so assist Mengele in his practices. He worked mostly with Jewish and gypsy women. He killed women with injections that caused horrible pain, stomach spasms, and bleeding. Dr. Herta Oberhauser also came to Auschwitz. She worked mostly with adults. She gave then oil injections, took out vital organs, and put sawdust and chipped glass into open wounds. “You could hear the muffled screams of the victims as you walked past” (Rosenberg 5).All of the doctors were put on trial in October of 1946. It was the Nuremberg Medical Trial. Twenty- three camp doctors were accused of performing inhumane experiments on victims. Josef Mengele was not one of the doctors that were accused in the trial and he continued his work at Auschwitz.
Josef Mengele was always the fist doctor that was called when testing needed to be done. He preformed untrained spinal surgery, body dissection, and twin sketches on his patients. The get his experimental bodies he went into the barracks and offered clothes and candy to people. Then he took them personally to the laboratory. He mostly experimented on the working children rather than adults. Some of the patients were placed into pressure chambers, tested with drugs, frozen to death, and traumatized. Rosenberg stated, “This torture was evil, only done to amuse people” (Rosenberg). These ways of torture were tested to find cheaper and easier ways to kill people. Mengele sent 400,000 people to their deaths because of medical experiments. Most if not all if the experiments were preformed without anesthesia. There was one thing that Mengele loved to experiment on more than anything else. That thing was twins.
When a pair of twins was found they would be killed at the exact same time to keep the body cycle in sync. Mengele then dissected each twin personally because he liked to sketch every part of their bodies exactly. Josef Mengele did numerous tests to see how twins reacted. He put dye in their eyes to attempt to change their eye color. Mengele stated, "The more we do to you, the less you believe we are doing it"(Mengele 6). He was almost fanatical about drawing and exchanging blood. The victims were usually left without bandages and died because of infection if they did not die during the experiment. If the victims did not die during or after the experiment cycle they were killed. Mengele worked with other doctors as well in his laboratory. They assisted him in his experiments.
Tweety Bird
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