
Children of the Holocaust

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Saved by Bo Peep
on May 12, 2010 at 5:07:05 pm


During the Holocaust children suffered because of the lack of food, hard labor, and brutal experiments.


The holocaust came in to effect in 1933 when hitler took over power of Germany. People in the Holocaust especially children were put in concentration camps. The Nazis targeted many races and nationalities. This is a crisis that people were suffered from for years.




 Arrival at camps    



     This is a picture of the

barbed wire fence at the camps


The children discovered ways to survive.(children during the Holocaust). they also smuggled food and medicines in the ghettos(children during the Holocaust).Some children escaped with their parentsand hid in the attic's of people's houses(children). They were shot because they were starved, and couldn't stand up anymore(children during the Holocust). "we cannot clculate the numbers of people who left, fled, or were fished out of Europe just ahead of the Holocaust(children).   



                                                                                           Hitler killed 1.5 million children combined (children during the Holocaust). Over age 12 they were used as laborers or for Dr. Mengele’s experiments (children during the Holocaust). “The Holocaust was the most evil crime ever committed (Stephen).” The children born in the camps were killed right after birth, or if they came from an institution (children during the Holocaust). Some prisoners hid them so they wouldn’t get killed( children).

This is a picture of the cremeation

room at the concentration camps


 Children 12 and under were not deployed to labor (children). The Nazis selected them and took them to massive graves to be shot (Children during the Holocaust). Hitler sent about 100,000 children gas chambers (children). They shot thousands of children because of their disobedience to work ("mengele's children). “The unutterable violence of the Holocaust shook our confidence in the possibility of telling a story of faith at all Timothy).”

  This is a picture

of the beds at the

concentration camps     


Brainy quotes. “holocaust.” www.brainyquotes.com. N.p., 2010. Web. 6 May 2010. <http://www.brainyquotes.com>. 3

“children during the holocaust.” untied states holocaust memorial museum. N.p., 1 Apr. 2010. Web. 3 May 2010. <http://google.com>. 1

“children of the holocaust.” children of holocaust. N.p., 08-10. Web. 3 May 2010. <http://www.auschwitz.dk/‌Holocaust1.htm>. 2

“mengeles children.” history.900. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 May 2010. <http://history.900>. 4

Paula, Ana. Auschwitz Barb Wire. N.d. online database. Web. 10 May 2010. <http://creativecomons.org>.6

Ryarwood. Auschwitz. N.d. an online database. Web. 10 May 2010. <http://creaticecomons.org>.6          

- - -. Auschwitz bed. N.d. online database. Web. 10 May 2010. <http://creativecommons.org>.6

United Streaming. The Holocaust: A Teenagers Experience. United Streaming. Remembrance Educational Media, 1991. Web. 5 May 2010. <http://straming.discoveryeducation.com>. 5


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