

 to 3rd Period's WWII Wikis!




Children Hiding During the Holocaust



  Child's Life in a Concentration Camp



Conditions of Auschwitz


             Concentration Camp Duties and Forced  Labor 





Death at Auschwitz  








Survivors of the Holocaust


Hiroshima and Nagasaki


Hitler Youth



Josef Menge le 's Decision
 Kristallnacht- The Night of Broken Glass  

Legislation  in WWII:Racial Discrimination


Life in Auchwitz



L iv ing   Conditions of Japanese American  Internment   Camps


 Nazi Experiments


Pearl Harbor Conspiracy



Spies During WWII



 The Attack On Pearl Harbor



 The Atomic Bomb and How it Destroyed Hiroshima   




The Lebensborn Program and The "Aryan" Race 


Wladyslaw Szpilman


WWII Communications



Japanese Prisoner of War Camps






















Period 3's Class Chapters 




                                                  Novel 1                                                                                                               Novel 2

                                                Chapter 1

                                                Chapter 2

                                                Chapter 3                                                                                                            Chapter 3 

                                                Chapter 4                                                                                                            Chapter 4

                                                Chapter 5                                                                                                           

                                                                                                                                                                          Chapter 6 

                                                                                                                                                                          Chapter 7

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